Amazon MWS Permissions Manager
The Amazon MWS Permissions Manager allows you to authorize, view, and manage which developers have access to your Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) account.
MWS authorizations
When you authorize a developer to access your seller account, you are not getting or giving your own Amazon MWS developer credentials to another party. Instead, you are giving the Developer ID and name of a developer to Amazon, and you are getting back an MWS Auth Token. The developer uses the MWS Auth Token to make the connection between their software and your seller account. You will provide this to them through their software registration processes. When authorizing a developer to access MWS on your behalf, that developer may view or edit your information pertaining to product listing, order management, shipping, pricing, performace, and financial information.
When you register yourself as a developer, you receive the Amazon MWS developer credentials neccessary to use Amazon tools such as the Amazon Merchant Transport Utility or the Listing Loader. You can also use your developer credentials to use desktop applications developed by third-party developers. If you are a developer, you can use your developer credentials to make calls to Amazon MWS for your own seller account. You can also use your developer credentials in web applications that you develop, making calls to Amazon MWS on behalf of other sellers who have authorized you to access their seller accounts. In this case, you will receive the MWS Auth Token from the seller to make the connection.
Initiate authorizations
On your first visit to the Amazon MWS Permissions Manager, you can either authorize your own account to use Amazon MWS or authorize a third-party to use Amazon MWS to access your data on your behalf. After this initial authorization, your Amazon MWS Permissions Manager displays your current authorizations. You can add more authorizations at any time.
View authorizations
The Amazon MWS Permissions Manager displays developers who use MWS to exchange data between Seller Central and their software on your behalf under Current Authorizations. The Authorization History table lists developers who had access to your account in the past but have had their access revoked or suspended.
Current authorizations
The Current Authorizations table in User Permissions contains the following information and actions for each active developer:
- Developer ID: The 12-digit MWS developer account ID.
- Developer name: The developer name that you provided during the authorization process.
- Authorization date: The date and time when you first authorized the developer.
- MWS Auth Token: The MWS Auth Token is the credential that you provided to the developers to authorize access to your account.
- Action: The action you want to perform. Click Renew access or Revoke access to affirm or remove a developer's access to your account. If you have authorized your own account to use MWS, click View your credentials to see your developer credentials.
- Date last renewed: The date and time that the developer’s access to your account was last renewed. If it has been less than 12 months since the authorization was created, this will be the same as the Authorization date.
- Access expiration date: The date and time when the developer's access to your account will be suspended if it is not renewed before then. Click Renew access to extend a developer's access to your account for 12 months from today’s date.
Authorization history
The Authorization History in the MWS Authorisation table contains the following information and actions for each revoked or suspended developer:
- Developer ID: The 12-digit MWS developer account ID.
- Developer name: The developer name that you provided during the authorization process.
- Date of action: The date and time when you most recently revoked this developer’s access to your account, or when that developer’s access to your account was suspended.
- Action: The actions that you can take to authorize a developer to access your account. Click Authorize to re-authorize a developer whose authorization was previously revoked. Click Restore access to authorize a developer whose authorization was previously suspended. You will not need to provide a new MWS Auth Token for these re-authorizations.